On-Call [Sponsored]
16 December 2015
The server keeps crashing and Tyler is on-call and it’s ruining his life.
Sponsor: Download “The State of On-Call 2015” from VictorOps for free. FYI, you can customize alerts, create on-call schedules, and manage DevOps tasks in real time with VictorOps.
>> Hey Tyler, you don’t have any plans for the next 48 hours, right?
>> Actually, I have a date tonight.
[SOUND] >> Well, you probably want to cancel the date.
>> What, why?
>> You’re on call this weekend, which means if the server crashes
at any time, day or night, it’s your job to fix it.
>> It is vital that we fix the problem immediately.
>> Failure’s not an option.
>> Good luck.
>> Wha, she’s-
>> You’re a cute boy.
>> Hey, I’m so sorry I had to leave.
>> I’ve been giving it some thought, and.
>> I can’t do this anymore.
>> What?
>> Hey, I’m so sorry
>> Dear God, no.
>> He’s such a freak when he’s on call.
>> Yeah, I used to be the same way when I was on call.
>> Really?
>> What changed?
>> Well, I use VictorOps now, which makes being on call suck a lot less.
>> It helps the whole team prepare for critical incidents.
>> In fact, I have it set up so
that I only get alerted when there’s a problem that I can actually solve.
>> And if I still need help, I can reroute the alert to the right team member.
>> So that way, I’m almost never interrupted.
>> VictorOps gave me my life back so now I have time for other things.
>> [LAUGH] That’s really cool.
[LAUGH] >> So it’s come to this.
>> Oh, hey Tyler.