What is Bitcoin?

20 November 2013

Finally, an explanation of Bitcoin that makes sense. Kinda.


>> Bitcoin.
>> That, that’s like, so there’s bit torrents,
>> and Bitcoin is like how you counterfeit money.
>> Uh, Bitcoin is um.
>> Have you ever played Sonic the Hedge Hog?
>> Sounds like you steal.
>> It’s like how you steal money.
>> I don’t.
>> I absolutely tell people not to do it.
>> You, if you like hit a block hard enough um, like a
>> little, like a, just like a shaving of a coin will come out.
>> Bitcoin.

>> Of all of the bits Bitcoin, is probably my,

>> you know, I don’t wanna say it’s my favorite bit.
>> What is Bitcoin?
>> It’s uh, Bitcoin.
>> It’s like uh, when you get, like an email,

>> and then uh, you don’t answer it for a
>> while, so then like this little chime goes on
>> to let you know that you have an email.
>> I would say when I rank the bits, it goes Bitdoor, Bitboard,
>> Bitman, and then right there in that fourth place spot it’s
>> like back and forth between Bitcor, Bitcor, Bitcoin and Bitcorn.
>> Bitcoin is, it is a currency uh it’s a
>> currency that, it’s not necessarily a monetary currency,
>> but it’s a, it’s kind of a bartering system
>> that we have with the other companies in our building.
>> Where you can swap sodas or snacks.
>> Bitcoin.

>> Glad you asked.
>> Bitcoin is a form of currency for drug dealers.
>> Uh, it was invented by the Winklevaas
>> twins, or as I call them, the Winklevai
>> uh, who are, of course, the twin brothers
>> who invented Facebook when they were at Princeton.
>> Bitcoin?
>> What isn’t Bitcoin?

>> Next.
>> And so people just, you know, you, you hit your
>> keyboard and it’s sort of like and Easter egg type thing where
>> once in a while they’ll just be coins that pop out
>> of your keyboard and then you can use those to buy drugs.

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